It is a measure of the potency of Charles White's images that long after his death, they continue to be used on the covers of books, the subjects of which strike a variety of chords with While's art and his own biography.
Typical in this regard was the 2009 publication, Anticommunism and the African American Freedom Movement, "Another Side of the Story", edited by Robbie Lieberman and Clarence Lang, and published by Palgrave Macmillan.
From the book's rear cover: "The original essays in this book highlight the destructive impact of McCarthyism on the African American Freedom Movement. Recovering little-known stories of black radical activism, they challenge the idea that the Cold War was, on balance, beneficial to the movement. The book emphasizes what was lost when anticommunism forced the movement to submerge broader issues of economic justice, labor rights, feminism, and peace. The authors illustrate the often neglected or understated human costs of the Red Scare, focusing on local and individual stories that offer insight into larger national and international trends."
The cover illustration was White's "The Ingram Case' from 1949. The Ingram Case was a notorious Jim Crow era judicial travesty that took place in rural Georgia in the late 1940s, which saw sharecropper Rosa Lee Ingram and her two sons received the death penalty in 1948 for murdering a white landowner in rural Georgia. The Ingram case was said to have received widespread press attention during the post-World War II era when the failings of the southern justice system and the iniquities of the Jim Crow culture were under new scrutiny, spearheaded by the ascending civil rights movement.
A brief reference to the Ingram case, and indeed, to the illustration on the book's cover, appeared on page 8 of Anticommunism and the African American Freedom Movement, "Another Side of the Story". White's illustration depicted three African Americans - we read them as being Rosa Lee Ingram and her two sons - behind bars, earnestly seeking justice and for their liberty to be restored.