Brother John Sellers Sings Blues and Folk Songs (VRS 8005) was released in Japan, the sleeve of the reissued record carried the same drawing by Charles White, though on this occasion, the drawing was presented in black and white. The text on the back of the sleeve had changed and now made references to Charles White, as follows:
"The drawing on the cover is one of a series commissioned by Vanguard Recording Society, Inc., from the distinguished American artist, Charles White, for use on its Jazz Showcase and classical releases. Aside from our belief that it takes a creative artist to capture the full human feeling of creative music, we hope by this means to bring to the public a knowledge of contemporary American art such as this, which has only to be seen to be loved. Charles White won the Julius Rosenwald Fellowship in 1942, an Academy of Arts and Letters Award in 1952, and a National Prize of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. His work is represented in the Whitney Museum, Library of Congress, and other famous collections."