In 1954, Charles White provided an illustration for the cover of Buck Meets Ruby. [Ruby Braff, trumpet and Buck Clayton, trumpet]. The record was released with several different coloured covers, featuring the same drawing by Charles White. Another record of the same name, featuring a different selection of tracks, again featured the same drawing by White. This record, with the figures against a blue background, was a Japanese release, from 1975. Again, it was a release on the Vanguard label as part of its Vanguard Jazz Showcase – LAX-3074. This was a 12" recording. The cover featured a drawing of two trumpet players, with the credit 'Charles White' appearing in the bottom right hand corner.
The album cover stated, "Buck Meets Ruby - Buck Clayton's Band, Mel Powell Septet featuring the trumpets of Buck Clayton and Ruby Braff. There were no further references to Charles White on the back of the album cover.
Note: The word 'YAMAHA' and the accompanying symbol are on a clear plastic sleeve covering the record, and are not on the record sleeve itself.