During the course of his working lifetime, White produced at least six folios of prints of his work, attesting to his determination to see his work brought within reach of those who could ill afford gallery prices and may well have been somewhat alienated from the world of art galleries and museums. This promotional brochure was for the first of White's sets of such prints. Measuring approximately 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches folded, this four sided brochure advertised the Charles White: Six Drawings folio  issued by Masses & Mainstream in 1953. [Its six plates are loose-leaf in a portfolio cover. The folio contained reproductions of what were already regarded as classic works by White. The MotherDawn of Life, Let’s Walk TogetherYe Shall Inherit the EarthHarvest Talk, and Abraham Lincoln.]

This flyer contained brief endorsements by Rockwell Kent and Sidney Finkelstein, both of whom were strong admirers of White's work. 

The sales brochure also contained the following: "You will treasure these magnificent prints. Eminently suited for framing, each lithograph measures 13" x 18". The finest paper and most advanced technique have been utilized to secure the most superb reproductions. They belong on the walls of your home."

The back of the brochure listed the titles of the prints, references to how and where the folio could be obtained, and an order form, which enabled up to four folios to be ordered and if necessary, sent to up to four different addresses.

Remarkably, the folio cost a mere $3, which even in today's money is less than $30.

The cover of the brochure featured 'Dawn of Life' from the folio.