Charles White had a particularly fruitful association with Freedom newspaper, published by Harlem based Freedom Associates. The campaigning newspaper was very much associated with Paul Robeson, who frequently provided articles and features for it. White's drawings appeared on several editions of the newspaper, which stated under its masthead "Where one is enslaved, all are in chains!' This particular edition, carried a piece by W. E. B. DuBois - "'DuBois on Emancipation: 'A Great Song Arose'". The piece carried White's drawing of DuBois that had been used in 1951, on the cover of a small pamphlet, entitled I Take my Stand for Peace. The same drawing was also used, a decade later, on the cover of a 1961 Folkways Records recording - W.E.B DuBois -- a recorded autobiography interviewed by Moses Asch. Within this issue of Freedom newspaper however, the Charles White drawing of DuBois was uncredited.